Wednesday, February 17, 2021

                  B.SC. -                  
Agriculture  Syllabus

First Year:

1. Comprehension and Communication Skills in English.
2. Fundamentals of Agribusiness Management.
3. Agricultural Finance and Co-operation.
4. Plant Biochemistry.
5. Production Economics and Farm Management.
6. Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Prices.
7. Rural Sociology and Constitution of India.
8. Introduction to Computer Applications.
9. Educational Psychology.

Second Year:

1. Principles of Soil and Water Engineering.
2. Crop Rest and their Management.
3. Economic Entomology.
4. Energy Sources and their Application  in Agriculture.
5. Farm Power and Machinery Sericulture.
6. General Entomology.
7. Protected Cultivation Structures and Agro-Processing.

Third Year:

1. Dimensions of Agricultural Extension.
2. Agricultural Microbiology.
3. Entrepreneurship Development and  Communication Skills.
4. Soil Microbiology.
5. Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technologies.

Forth Year:

1.  Fundamentals of Statistics.
2.  Irrigation Water Management.
3.  Practical Crop Production - 2.
4.  Farming System, Organic farming and Sustainable Agriculture.
5.  Weed Management.
6.  Introductory Agriculture, Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Meteorology.
7.  Rain-fed Agriculture and Watershed Management.
8.  Experimental Techniques in Agricultural Research.
9.   Field Crops - 1 (Kharif).
10. Field Crops - 2 (Rabi).
11. Practical Crop Production - 1.

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